Flexible community transport

Botley Road Closure

On Tuesday 11 April, the Botley Road closure by the Railway Station in Oxford begins. Stagecoach and Go Ahead have had to deal with the consequences of this as best they can. It is not of their choosing.

Network Rail has decided that buses must terminate at Osney Island even though a turning circle is being constructed close to the Station. This is due to heavy machinery in the vicinity. Passengers will have to walk through the tunnel to catch another bus to the City Centre.
From Eynsham Church, the S1 will be diverted along the A40 and Woodstock Road terminating at Frideswide Square for the Station having first stopped in George Street.  Returning from the City Centre the main stop in George Street will now stop at B2 outside the New Theatre. All stops on Woodstock Road and Cassington Turn will be served. The frequency will be every 20 minutes 7 days a week.
A new E1 service will run every 30 minutes from Acre End Street and Eynsham Church to Osney Island (hourly Monday to Saturday evenings after 9 pm).
First and Last Mile services will connect with both the S1 and E1 at Eynsham Church.  Our timings work well for connections but inevitable traffic delays will occur. We will offer guidance to our passengers regarding onward travel. The 411 and 418 are not directly affected by the closure but we know many of our passengers are so will assist if we can.
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