In a recent survey one of or regular users penned what follows. All I can say it is great to be appreciated.
I am very happy about the First & Last Mile bus service and hope it can continue and flourish. At our convent we don't go out a great deal, only when necessary. So there are appointments at the surgery, the hospitals, the opticians, the dentists etc. We can take this bus and change in Eynsham to get to Oxford and Witney.
As of now we invest in a taxi to go to Hanborough Surgery but that is £14 return! I sometimes go on the Freeland Community bus and am grateful for it - but it is just to Witney, for several hours, one day a week.
We also go on holiday once in a while and I'm thrilled that the First & Last Mile opens up new possibilities - especially the connection with the rail station (£14 by taxi). I love to go to the Ashmolean and explore other things in Oxford and now it will be so much easier. I was able to meet the train bringing a friend from America then come straight to the Old Parsonage (our guest house).
I am one of the only two sisters fit enough to walk along Wroslyn Road from the convent to the top to catch the 233. But sometimes I am tired or the weather's bad. Now it will be much easier to get to Woodstock for a holiday and far more importantly to visit our sister with dementia who is moving tomorrow in the Burford Nursing Home.
Sr Kathy